Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Utilizing Solution Focused Brief Therapy with Domestic...
Introduction Domestic violence is one of the most pressing issues facing social workers today. It occurs between individuals of all ages and nationalities, at all socioeconomic levels, and in families from all types of religious and non-religious backgrounds (Straus Gelles, 1990; Carter McGoldrick, 1999). Domestic violence remains a significant social and public health problem affecting not just the couple but the entire family as well. Increased parental conflict negatively impacts children’s academic, behavioral and social-emotional functioning and the parents’ well being (Carlson, 2000; Carter McGoldrick, 1999; Lyon, 1998). The overall rate of incident has been found to be similar for city, suburban, and rural†¦show more content†¦In the same manner, in relation to the ecological framework family factors would refer to the processes in the family such as family environment, family interaction, family stressors, and parenting skills. Family stress in co njunction with financial difficulties, chronic poverty and unemployment is one major area that could overwhelm a family’s capacity to function. The stresses and strains of socioeconomic hardship are associated with higher rates of domestic violence (Kaufman Kantor Straus, 1999). Community factors refer to the community in which the family lives, the peer groups of the family members, the formal and informal supports, the availability of jobs, the availability and access to community services (i.e. transportation, mental health services, health care, shelters). Increased levels of neighborhood crime and family poverty can impact and increase the risk and co-occurrence of domestic violence and child maltreatment (Andrews, 1996). At the societal level, the established laws and policies in relations to domestic violence may in fact fail to protect the victim and consequently re-victimize her. For example, domestic violence victims are increasingly being charged for â€Å"fai lure to protect†even when the partner is abusing the child and the mother (Beeman, Hagemeister, Edelson, 1999). In addition, some states have considered legislation that makes a child’s witnessing of domestic violence a form of criminal abuseShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Professional And Ethical Codes1499 Words  | 6 PagesCounselling Federation of Australia (PACFA). These codes with the assistance of therapeutic techniques are the core components that help provide beneficial recovery for all clients; this will be explored through the topics of cyber bulling and domestic violence. Cyber bullying Cyber bullying is when an individual has the intent to intimidate, humiliate or threaten another individual by using electronic communication such as texting or social media. 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